Enclosed Hat and Cauldron LED Backflow Burner
Enclosed Hat and Cauldron LED Backflow Burner
Enclosed Hat and Cauldron LED Backflow Burner

Enclosed Hat and Cauldron LED Backflow Burner

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This impressive backflow cone burner is enclosed in a glass cylinder and features a bubbling cauldron, triple moon base and witch's hat lid. 4 LED lights gently cycle through a stunning rainbow of colours, beautifully showcasing the falling . . . Show More >

This impressive backflow cone burner is enclosed in a glass cylinder and features a bubbling cauldron, triple moon base and witch's hat lid. 4 LED lights gently cycle through a stunning rainbow of colours, beautifully showcasing the falling smoke that pools over the enclosed cauldron. Bottom on/off switch. Requires 2 AA batteries. Not included with the product.

- Dimensions: H24cm x W10cm x D10cm

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Here are some of the other products in this collection..

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This product (Enclosed Hat and Cauldron LED Backflow Burner) is part of our ·Backflow Incense Burners collection, and just one of our range of Backflow Incense Burners.